
Cookbook Faves

Cookbooks are like good friends that come into your life and never leave. They are always around whenever you need them, even if it's b...

Cookbooks are like good friends that come into your life and never leave. They are always around whenever you need them, even if it's been a while since you last caught up. Like any honorable vegan, I own all of Isa Chandra Moskowitz's releases, and am totally blown away by the beauty that is her new, holiday-themed, entertaining cookbook. I've already made four recipes from it, and am anxiously anticipating making quite a few more, especially for Xmas and Wigilia. It's a great mix of old blog posts of hers, and new exciting recipes that I've never seen before. Even if there are recipes I've already made in the book, it's great to see them in print and remember to go back and make them again. I am so impressed with this cookbook's versatility as well as how specific it is for each holiday. It makes me want to throw a party every day, basically.

My first vegan cookbook was Vegan Yum Yum by Lauren Ulm. I made every single recipe from it and re-read it cover to cover countless times. It was the first cookbook I felt dedicated to, and first real cooking project I gave myself. I still love that mac and cheese recipe!! Her blog is greatly missed and I'm so grateful that she shared a little piece of her kitchen with all of us. 
Isa Does It is probably at the top of my list of favorites. It's such a perfect cookbook with an amazing variation on every single dish you ever wanted to make. I've been cooking from it for years and still have so many recipes left to make from it. 
Vegan Eats World is another cookbook that's really special to me. I had such a great time being a recipe-tester for it, and it made me feel like an important part of it. It also is an ode to the culturally diverse city of New York, specifically Queens, the borough that I lived in for three years. I am always opening this book to make spicy curries, kimchi pancakes, and my favorite, Butecha!!

Shout out to Chloes's Vegan Italian Kitchen, a major favorite in my house, Salad Samurai & Protein Ninja, who's salads, smoothie bowls and protein muffins have been present in my kitchen ever since their release, and 365 Vegan Smoothies, which I bought for everyone in my family and now they make even more smoothies than I do. Thank Glob for the vegan community, because I would be nowhere without you all.


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  1. I'm going to track down Vegan Yum Yum, that one's not on my radar. I'm waiting not so patiently to get my copy of Isa's new book at Christmas - I've heard so many good things about it already!

    1. So far Isa's new book has been amazing, I've made a bunch of stuff from the Thanksgiving and christmas chapters, included both the seitan roasts and they were both amazing!! Vegan Yum Yum is special to me, since it was my first vegan cookbook! I'm sure everyone feels that way about whichever cookbook was the first one to help them go vegan :)
